India Fight Against Coronavirus: Observation from 18th May 2020 Data

A few observations from 18th May 2020 National Data on the Coronavirus pandemic:-

1. New cases increased by 4660 on 18th May 2020 with increased 7 days and 14 days averages at 4222 and 3850 new cases. Daily averages of new cases are increasing everyday at an increasing rate.

2. Daily growth rate of the active cases and the 7 days growth rates were 3.7% and 3.4% respectively on 18th May 2020. These average growth rates are falling but even this rate of growth in daily cases is very high considering the increasing base.

3. The doubling period of active cases has increased to 21 days on 18th May 2020 with a growth rate of 3.3%.

4. Doubling period of the confirmed cases has increased to 13.2 days with a growth rate of 5.4% on 18th May 2020. The doubling period is continuously increasing for more than one week.

5. Even after a significant increase in the number of tests per million, the gap between confirmed and active cases per million is widening everyday at an increasing rate.

6. Confirmed as well as active cases per test has again started posting upward movement for the last two days.

7. Recovery to active and confirmed cases continue to increase. Recovery to confirm cases (recovery rate) has increased to 39.2%.

8. Active vs recovered vs death as on 18th May 2020.

9. Death to total confirmed cases have started falling in the last few days due steep increase in daily cases and increased recovery rate.

10. India is doing better than most of the countries in the world on account of death per million.

Rajeev Upadhyay

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